The Age of Adaline
(And has Harrison
Ford Found the Fountain of Youth Too?)

While jokes have been made about how the story’s premise- “Oh
poor Blake Lively, to be cursed with eternal youth and beauty!”- I honestly
think there is a lot in Age of Adaline to draw an audience.
Though we may scoff at it, immortality has always held
appeal for us mere mortals who constantly battle the limitations of time. Perhaps most of all, we fear the idea that we
may not have time to find love or happiness, or that we may waste time by not
fully enjoying those we love. The Age of Adaline takes that concern and
reflects it in an unusual light.
the main character is immortal, the primary story seems to be concerned with
her internal conflict: how to live forever without a love that can last? While immortality is not a unique topic of story-telling, it is one to which we are repeatedly drawn. In the past several years alone this theme has played a role in (The Curious Case of
Benjamin Button, Tuck Everlasting, and the character of "Wolverine" in the X-Men films). However, Age of Adaline seems unique in its focus on a female protagonist who is simply trying to find the things that many of us want in life, keeping the heart of the story closer to home.
If that doesn’t spark your interest, this also looks like a
beautiful film. The many decades covered
in Age of Adaline offers an exciting
view into many different eras of the past century. I’m also
coveting Lively’s wardrobe and hairstyles from the modern scenes. It looks like the wardrobe people sent her to
an Anthrology and let her walk out with the whole store.
And speaking of beautiful, Blake Lively isn’t the only
person looking eternally young in this film. Watch the trailer and you will
doubtless notice the actor who plays a younger version of Harrison Ford’s
character. This young man, Anthony Ingruber, will have you flashing back to visions
of Hans Solo in A New Hope. Relatively
unknown to film audiences, Ingruber has a greater following in the realms of
voice acting and Youtube. His speciality? Impressions. This includes
impressions of yes, Ford, but also Jack Nicholson, Michael Fassbender, and even
Sean Connery. So though we don't get to hear him speak in the trailer for Age
of Adaline, it is safe to presume that Ingruber will convince and fascinate
us as a young Ford in the film. Check out his Youtube channel here:
Whether it is because of the compelling theme of
immortality, the love story, or the curiosity to see Harrison Ford’s
dopppelganger, audiences have many reasons to go see The Age of Adaline once the
film hits theatres. According to IMDb,
it will be released on April 24, 2015.
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