While cleaning and getting ready to move out, I had to confess something to myself: I have certain hoarding tendencies. Thankfully, I like to keep things neat and fairly uncluttered, so these tendencies are really only confined to three major types of items: books, tea, and things that smell good.
So...because my spaces of inhabitence do not resemble an episode of "Hoarders," I am not even a repentant addict as far as these things go.
As all addicts do, however, I feel a need to justify my addictions.
C.S. Lewis said that, "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." (also I heard stories involving his massive book collection when I visited the Kilns) so I like to think that I am in good company in those two habits. Obviously Lewis didn't collect perfume or scented candles, so I'm going to have to approach that defense differently.
Books, books, books. I have more books than maybe anyone I know. I'm not even sure how many. Honestly. I don't have a clue, but I have been an active collector of them since a very young age. Reading books with my parents form some of my fondest, earliest memories. I struggled with reading when I was very young, but once the habit took hold it hung on TIGHT.
Books have taken me to places I never could have imagined, both real and fantastic. They are friends which have comforted me when I was lonely, and they have challenged my imagination and my thinking. I have met people whom I never would have otherwise who live on inside me, lending me their wisdom and courage when I need them. I can love, but never quite understand, people who don't like to read. I just don't get it.
Most of my books had to be put away in storage recently and it was very, very difficult for me to narrow down my book collection to two large boxes (plus the ones on my Kindle) to keep nearby until we get more space. Furthermore, I've had the idea since I was about seven that I would one day have a library at my own home when I grew up. As of yet, I have not lived anywhere spacious/permanent enough to line a room with shelves and dub it "the library," but I refuse to give up on this dream. Dane very wisely and thoughtfully got me a Kindle two Christmases ago, which I love. I still prefer the feeling of a solid book in my hand, but when I buy books I can if they are books that I want to just read and have at hand or books I want as part of my future "library." Also, books on Kindle are a little easier on the budget, especially the classics.
Tea is such a versatile beverage yet consistently comforting. Going through our kitchen, I lovingly packed away: green tea, English Breakfast tea, various chai teas, Jasmine tea, orange tea, lemon zinger, Tazo, Teavanna, Mate, Twinings (just to name a few). Dane likes tea too, so we are double whammied on this one..........Tea goes well with my book addiction. And it goes well with THE COZY, one of my less material addictions. Tea takes you places. Mate Chai takes me to the Yellow Deli past midnight, studying for one of Dr. Wright's killer exams by the dim light of the hobbit-lanterns and dulcimer sounds. PG Tips takes me right back to Oxford, and the Crick House, everytime. Good Earth "Sweet and Spicy" always makes me think of my good friend, Malory, who introduced me to it. Tea, like books, also represents other worlds. Where will you go with that steaming mug in your hand?
Smellum Goodums is what my Mimi calls perfume. I think that this addiction is hereditary on my mom's side. She and I made many trips to Bath and Bodyworks and Victoria's Secret together. We also swapped around nicer, more expensive varieties between us. Our endless searches for a "signiture scent" ultimately resulting in quite a garden of fragrances. We both always liked change. It extends beyond my mom though. My Mimi, cousins, even my uncles on my mom's side all like perfume/cologne. One Christmas we practically all gave each other perfumes/colognes and we called that the "Be smellin like a Ho Ho Ho Christmas."(You CAN have too much of a good thing).
I must also confess one of my weirder habits to you now: in my downtime, I read perfume reviews. Yes, that's right. I READ PERFUME REVIEWS. FOR FUN. I like reading the breakdown and analysis of top, middle, basenotes, accords, lasting power,ect. I realize that this is kind of strange and I wish that I could explain my love of perfume better, but I can't. It makes me feel feminine and sexy and again I suppose there is that intangible element of THE COZY. There is also the fact that the olfactory region of the brain is so close to the hippocampus, allowing scents to transport us instantaneously to memories.
I also love scented candles and incense. Luckily my husband does too. :-)
While writing this, I realized that my addictions do all kind of go together at least: all three are cozy, all three provide limitless options in terms of choice and change, all three are transportative. Hmmmm....
Well, there's my defense.
If you are addicted to something...what is it? I want to know!
be smellin like a ho ho ho Christmas!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, was giggling so hard I forgot to answer the question. I am addicted to books and tea as well. Also to musical instruments, which seems to be a rather expensive habit.