Monday, February 17, 2014

Frasier Crane

Highly intelligent, sophisticated, well-meaning radio psychologist  Frasier Crane can always figure out what his patients need, but his personal life is a stream of constant chaos due to his meddling, arrogence, and pretensiousness! Throw in his similarly brilliant and phobia-prone younger brother, a goofy British physical therapist, a street-wise, retired-cop father and a string of other colorful side-characters and you have one of my favorite cozy-shows of all time.
It used to come on at 9:00 p.m., which was right before my bedtime. All I knew about it for a long time was that my parents liked to watch it. I remember the first time I watched it with them. By highschool, it was one of my favorite shows, too.
When I got to college, my mom loaned me Season 1 after they got it on boxed set, and it helped quell my home-sickness. This is when I discovered that some Frasier goes awfully well with a cup of coffee.
I've probably watched all of the episodes in the shows 10 seasons several times over. I very rarely sit down just to watch "Frasier," however.  It's a comforting thing to have going on in the background, and often lately when Dane and I have written our posts, cooked dinner, or worked on packing up the living room, this show has provided our white noise.
"Frasier" is heavy on catharsis for those who embarass themselves often, so in my case this applies.
In that sense, it has always been a comforting show.
However, right now I am doing a lot of shuffling around in my brain about my life. Time has passed slowly and quickly over the past few many things have happened that I find myself feeling a bit in search of an emotional security blanket through certain things. "Frasier" is one of those things for me.

Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin',
Tossed salad and scrambled eggs

Oh My
Mercy (alt: Quite stylish.)

And maybe I seem a bit confused,
Yeah maybe, but I got you pegged!
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!

But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
They're callin' again.

(The following are alternate endings)

They're callin' again.
Good night, Seattle, we love you.
What is a boy to do. Good night.
Frasier has left the building.
Thank You!
Scambled eggs all over my face. What is a boy to do. Goodnight, everybody.
See you next year, we love ya.


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