Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stuck and settled

Don't get stuck.

This is what the fibers of my being cry out.

 Now there is a difference, a vast one, between stuck and settled.

Some people view marriage as being stuck, but for me that could not be further from the truth. An honest marriage, made in true love for one another and centered around God's love, is one of the most freeing experiences imaginable. I have been so blessed by my love, friend, helpmate and  fellow-adventurer in both hard times and good over the past year and a half...and I can't imagine how helplessly trapped I would have been without him in that time. Not just without him in my life, but without him as my husband specifically.

However, many marriages do indeed result in this stuckness for all kinds of selfish, or shall I say, human reasons.

Stuck also doesn't mean being in one place forever physically.

After much prayer this year, Dane and I have both reached the conclusion that we are not ready to settle down yet. We prayed about a permanent place, and what we recieved was, for the meantime, temporary. It is not our time to find a house to buy, or a place to be for several years, yet. We feel a need to be free for awhile, to wander and to get back on the path we tried to start down three years ago.

However, I have many dear friends that have found the place that they are supposed to be. I know they will thrive there and be happy. They will make good changes in the world where they are. Have families. Live a life that could in no way be classified as stuck or stagnate. They will make a  home somwhere that is alive.

There are all kinds of ways to be stuck and all kinds of ways to be settled: the  difference is not in the what. It's in the how and the why

To be stuck is to be selfish and always reach for the convenient. Low risk. Low change.
Settled is to be centered in ones calling, sure about it, and grow in the love that you plant there. It's to steward what you have been given and help it thrive.

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