Happy Valentine's Day! I know a lot of people are not fans of this holiday for various reasons: too commercialized, sappy, only for people in a relationship, ect.
However, I have always loved Valentine's day. I love the hearts and flowers and doing extra special little things to let other people know they are loved. I know that you should do these things everyday, and I think we all try to..but there is just something special in the air on Valentine's Day...it's a little like Christimas in that goodwill is in the air. I'm also a hopeless romantic...what can I say?
Another reason I love Valentine's Day is that it's my parents' anniversary. Growing up as an only child, my parents never tried to hide their affection for one another from me. I never got grossed out when they kissed, hugged, or held hands. In fact, I always thought it was really sweet, and a good example of what I wanted one day. Again: only child, hopeless romantic. I get a lot of that from my mom. She and I could always watch slightly silly movies but love them anyway because they were romantic (*cough* twilight *cough*Somewhere in Time*) . My dad is also very romantic, much more than he lets on. So I guess I'm double-dosed.
My parents have always been a wonderful example of what true love is: from the fun, sweetheart stuff to the hard, commitment stuff. Today would have been 26 years for them. Last year was their 25th, which they celebrated with a getaway trip to Glen Ella. My mom had been diagnosed with cancer for about a month, and was recovering from a major surgery, but she was still really adamant about doing that. Now I know we are all so glad that she was. Some people see Valentine's Day as unnessecary, but sometimes it is those unnessecary things which become so meaningful later. Mom also asked Dane and I to come out and join them for a fancy dinner one night of that weekend, and for Dane to take some photos of them, which turned out so beautifully. That was the last thing like that we all did together. It was luxurious, frivolous even, considering the financial burden of the time, but so important.
My parent's wedding picture from February 14, 1987 at The Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Alabama
25th Wedding Anniversary: February 14, 2013, 25 years later, Glen Ella Springs Resort
An amazing love story that deserves its own novel.
So you see, I loved Valentine's Day way before dating was on the radar at all. I used to get such glee from doing special things for my parents on Valentine's day: one time (after asking for a ride to Party City with mysterious intentions) I decorated my tree house in hearts and candles, put some chocolates out there, and sent my parents up there to surprise them with it. A lot of times I would make a "romantic" dinner or something (usually one of those "just bake" lasagnas because this was before I cooked) , which was kind of unnessecary considering it would be waiting for them after they got back from a V-Day date, but they never complained about it.
My parents always made me feel special on Valentine's Day, too. They would always do something really sweet to make me feel loved. As I grew up with this love of the day instilled in my heart, I also loved getting my friends Valentines at school for February 14...it wasn't mandatory, it was awesome! Last year I got flowers for my co-workers. In fact, I only let the whole "not having a boyfriend on Valentine's Day" thing get me down one year, out of all of them can remember. (It was in highschool and my boyfriend and I had just split up, and he had suggested that we could "wait until after Valentine's Day to break up" if that would be better for me...which of course made me so mad! No way!) It's stupid now, I wish I had just got over it and enjoyed the day with some friends instead of being a mopey. Don't be a mopey today. You'll just regret it. Invite some friends over or if you are going to be alone, at least treat yourself to something special that you like.
Since Dane and I have been dating (four years) we've had: one long distance Valentine's (Dane sent me a song he wrote/sang when I was in England), one big band concert Valentine's Day, one "we're totally broke" Valentine's Day (which was actually really fun, my parents decided to celebrate their anniversary at home and grilled awesome steak and invited us to join them. Then we watched "Once Upon a Time"...this was before that show got too weird), and last year we had a traditional nice dinner out. We're doing that again today. Although, the real Valentine's Day treat this year was the unexpected time together the snowpolcaypse gave us. I was so glad to spend some extra time with my love this week: topping it off with Valentine's Day is just the cherry on top. I'll actually be having two Valentine's Day dates today with the two most important men in my life today.
My point in all this I guess, other than to reminisce about Valentine's Days past, is to say that this day is very special to me, and I think it can be special to you too. It's a day for all kinds of love, when love is lifted high up and celebrated. Sure, sometimes it's painful. If you don't have someone romantic in your life there is always that temptation to let yourself get down on February 14. If you have lost someone, it's even harder. There are going to be some sad moments for me today, and especially for my dad. However, as I keep trying to drill into this blog of mine, choosing to love IS painful..but worth it. Love deserves to b celebrated with those we love, while they are here with us. They won't always be. So, even if you don't like hearts, chocolate, or flowers (but why wouldn't you???)...even if you don't have someone romantic to celebrate with... I hope you find something or someone in your life today that makes you feel just a little bit extra blessed, a little bit extra appreciative of the love in your life, whatever kind of love that might be.
Katie, How beautiful you are with expressing yourself. I'm just bettin' you got a lot of that from your Mom. I didn't realize that Valentine's Day was your Mom and Dad's Anniversary. So very perfect for their love.