Friday, January 24, 2014

My Darling Sweeny

His large brown eyes stared forward at the television. They looked focused and yet they were not really processing the images on the screen into a storyline.
This could be easily concluded, despite his intense, concentrated gaze, on the basis of two pieces of evidence.
One, the movie on the screen was “The Dark Crystal,” a film which holds a hypnotic, befuddling power over even the most alert and captive audiences.  (Earlier, we watched “Pan’s Labyrinth,” another not good one to watch when you are sick. We are masochists I guess.)

Two, his mouth hung open.
He shifted his laptop around in his lap and I noticed the two lonesome words next to the blinking cursor against an almost all-white screen.
“Day 20:”
It had been that way for an hour.  
 He wore a Batman shirt and pajama pants.
 He resembled Johnny Depp’s depiction of Sweeny Todd more than just a little bit, with his wild hair waving out in all directions and his eyes painted with dark undercircles.  I hugged him and rubbed my face on his cheek stubble. He smiled at me in a tripped out kind of way.
We both were home sick today. Yep, I am still sick, but hopefully not for much longer. I think today really helped.  I’ve kind of been fighting this off all week, but have still been doing lots of things.  I have a hard time calling a sub when I’m sick because usually it’s just easier to hang in there and do it then it is to make all the sub plans and worry about everything going right.  Today’s a Friday though, which usually means the afternoon is all fun stuff anyway. Stuff that doesn’t involve plans but does involve running and jumping and yelling.
Dane was feeling really, really rough today. We’ve never both taken a sick day, and I’m not even sure if we’ve had the same thing. I have had something like bronchitus with chills. He’s had a migraine and body aches. He also hasn’t been able to sleep in two days. Poor guy. :-(
It’s funny how different we are when we’re sick though. 
 I like to take baths, sleep, and cuddle. I like to be around people who will rub my back. I’m kind of like a puppy when I’m sick.
If I'm a puppy then Dane is sort of like a cat that you would name Gonzo when he is sick.
He kind of goes off to his own little world.  He is very sweet, confused, and zoned out.  He is on another planet, bless his heart. I hope it’s not like “The Dark Crystal” in there. Sometimes he tells me interesting, random facts.
One thing I know about him. Even when he’s sick and a little bit delirious, he sure is cute!
(hoping I don’t get in trouble for this later)

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